Members of the Historical Commission are appointed
by the Selectmen of the town of Newbury.
Members serve three-year terms.
The Newbury Historical Commission meets monthly.
Unless posted otherwise:
Monthly meetings are 2nd Thursday of the month, 7:00 p.m.
Newbury Town Hall, 12 Kent Way
Meetings are open to the public.
To make a presentation at a meeting, you must be on the agenda first.
E-mail historicalcomm@townofnewbury.org to learn more.
Minutes of past meetings can be found on the Town of Newbury website shown above.
All inquiries to the Historical Commission may be made
by e-mailing historicalcomm@townofnewbury.org
You can also write to us if you'd prefer:
Newbury Historical Commission
12 Kent Way
Newbury MA 01951
We look forward to hearing from you!
Meet The Team

Channing Howard

Rebecca Fuller
Vice Chair
Janice Forrest
Eva Jackman

Richard Morin

Lon Hachmeister