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Adams House, 1705     Pearson Drive, Byfield

Built in 1705, this is one of the few remaining garrison houses.  From this house Abraham Adams and three sons went to the Revolutionary War.  Located on the site originally called The High Field, near the Newbury falls.

Atkinson House, c. 1664   

Green Street at Hanover Street, Newbury Upper Green

The town fathers granted the first owner of the house, John Atkinson, one acre of land with the provisio that he live in Newbury and serve as the town hatter for a term of seven years.  He and his wife Sarah (Mireck) had 11 children.  The house has a connection to the Salem Witch hunts of the 1690s, as well.  According to the testimony of Sarah Atkinson, Susannah Martin visited the house during a storm some years previously, and having had to walk so far in such bad weather, Mrs. Atkinson was surprised to see Susannah bone dry with her feet mud-free. The unfortunate Susannah was hanged based on Sarah’s and others’ testimonies.

Bray House, c. 1820     no longer standing

A note on the back of the photo says "Moved from High Street, 1851."  According to Currier's History of Newbury, a Richard S. Bray was chosen in 1854 as one of the "tithing-men" for the First Parish Church.  The position was discontinued the following year.

Byfield Female Seminary, c. 1797     Elm Street, Byfield

A faction of the Byfield Parish Church broke away in 1797, worshipping in a meetinghouse which became known as the "Sleigh Meetinghouse," named for its pastor, The Rev. William Sleigh.  When the church reunited, church deacon Benjamin Colman bought the meetinghouse and moved it beside his own house.  The first female seminary in the country was organized in 1807 in this building, with The Rev. Joseph Emerson as its first preceptor.  Among its graduates were Miss Mary Lyon, founder of Mount Holyoke College, and American missionary Harriet Newell.  A third floor was added in the early 20th century and between 1963 and 1975 the building was in use as the New England Military School.  Today it is a private home.

Byfield Parish Old Parsonage, c. 1703    
formerly on Elm Street, Byfield

This dwelling was built for The Rev. Moses Hale.  The elderly gentleman in the sepia photo standing next to the chair is possibly the Rev. Withington.  An interesting wooden fence conforms to the roundabout in front of the stable.